Ruff Haus

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We're Passionate About Print - You Should Be Too!

The portability of print makes it the ideal companion, when held in your hands it makes you feel like it's completely devoted to you. Read it whenever wherever and as often as you like. Paper and ink come together to create a powerful message that reacts with all of your senses touch it, smell it, breath it in. Print speaks to us in ways the Internet can not. Thanks to the remarkable things that can be done with printing and paper these days, you can receive just about anything in the mail today. Each time a clever marketer (like us!) surprises the unsuspecting consumer, a curiosity is formed that grows stronger with each communication. Direct marketing, informs, seduces and keeps consumers loyal.

The printed brochure, magazine or catalog provides companies the opportunity to have a one-on-one engaging dialog with their customer. These important tools give customers a taste of what they can buy and provide reassurance after purchase. Again, building loyalty and brand awareness.

Print plays a critical roll in media consumption patterns. Consumers use different media for different purposes—a campaign with a solid media mix is more effective than focusing all your efforts in one area. The Internet is an integral part of modern marketing, but it can't stand alone and be successful, it needs a passionate partner... print.